Happy Birthday to me,
Knit Pick memories in Smores and Yukon
Self-birthday present from someone else's de-stash
Self-birthday present from someone else's de-stash
Happy Birthday to me,
Knit Picks Bare fingering weight for my first attempt at dyeing, enough for 6 pairs of socks!
Knit Picks Bare fingering weight for my first attempt at dyeing, enough for 6 pairs of socks!
Part of the birthday package from my lovely wife
Knit Picks Palette in Black and Navy for some more argyle socks
Part of the birthday package from my awesome wife
Also part of the birthday package from my wonderful wife
Looks like a Very Knitty Birthday!
OOoooooh, it's so beautiful!!! My what wonderful yarn p0rn you have. Sinful, simply sinful!!!!! You know - I hate for you to have to find space for it all, so perhaps you should send it to me. :teehee:
yeah man, I just love yarn b-days sponsored by my wife! I've got a pair of socks out of smores and love them....(knitting brow knit them....)
wow, i am having knit-picks birthday package envy!!!
you have a fantastic wife to get you that for your birthday! wowsa. happy birthday from germany and your finished argyles on samkal4 look fabulous, can't wait to see if you do the pin stripe over-knit details on those.
Happy Belated Birthday! What a load of wonderful fiber. You'll have tons of fun with it.
Hope you had a great day.
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