Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WIP Wednesday: Part 1

Lower body

This is actually from last week Wednesday, I'm hoping to have another update later today after knitting at lunch.

At this point, I was just about to bind off for the armholes. In fact, I believe I did that step that evening. It took me three tries. I kept binding off on the wrong row, which would have had me cabling on the wrong side.

I added 1/2" in length to the lower body. I originally thought I would add more, but I got worried about adding too much length. I'm assuming this will grow when blocked and I also didn't want to and length at the expense of using up too much yarn. That's the problem with deadline knitting. I want to have this done by Christmas Eve so I can wear it to our holiday gatherings. If I mess up and run out of yarn or add too much length, I won't have time to rip and re-knit.